The Bintangs from Beverwijk were originally named Rocket Dynes and Black Phantoms. They didn’t only become known for their rough, smoky Hoogoven-born sound, but also for their great number of line-up changes. In the 60’s, especially in the province of Noord-Holland, they had a firm following, which, in the cities of Beverwijk and Haarlem, manifested itself in posters plastered on many walls and even a gigantic gas tank with their name painted on it. Once at the Kennemer Theater, which was the place for open-air appearances at the time, the whole floor was crushed and demolished into pieces by the over-enthusiastic fans. Despite this, the Bintangs (Malay for “stars”) remained one of the most underrated groups in the Netherlands.
This is the most complete summary of the group’s members: Drums: Nono Piepelenbos (59) Rob Wijsters (59-60) Fred Maas (60) Gerry Ottenvanger (60) Leo van Olfen (60) Jimmy Jansen (60-63) Henk van Besu (63-66) Peter de Leeuwe (66-67, ex-Hottlets & Moans, to Los Zomos & Ekseption) Frans Kroon (67, ex-Hamlets) Henk van Norden (67-68) Hermke Klaasen (68, ex-Blues Vocation) Harry Schierbeek (68, to Kraayeveld) Aad Hooft (68-74, to Oscar Benton) Harry Schierbeek (74).
Guitar: Klaas Holtkamp (59-60, ex-Sky Rockets) Meine Fernhout (59-68, ex-Garred Boys) Piet Maas (60-62) Peter de Leeuwe (65, ex-Hottlets, to Moans and back as drummer) Jan Wijte (65-66 and 69-70) Gus Pleines (68-69) Rob van Donselaar (70-74, to Benton) Jack van Schaik (74).
Solo Guitar: Arthy Kraayeveld (59-68, ex-Garred Boys) Jan Wijte (68-69) Arthy (69-70, then to Kraayeveld) Jan Wijte (70-72) Rob ten Bokum (72-74, ex-Panda, to Blue Eyed Bluesband) Jaap Castricum (74-75, to Dais and Arthy Kraayeveld) Ben de Bruin (75, ex-Rob Hoeke and Flash & Dance Band), Albert Schiebeek (ex-Kraayeveld).
Keyboards: Jan Wijte (67-69) Rob van Donselaar (69-74) Jaap Castricum (74-75). Bass: Frank Kraayeveld (69-70, ex-Sky Rockets) James Schab (60-62) Ronald Krom (70-74, ex-Turquoise) Frank Kraayeveld (74).
Vocals: Arthy (59-60, 62-64, 67-68 & 74) Rob Wijsters (60-62) Wil Nimisz (64-66) Gus Pleines (66-72, ex-Hottlets) James Walker (67) Frank Kraayeveld (67-70) Nico Taihutu (68, ex-Blues Vocation, to Uzi) Rob Kruisman (72-74, ex-Panda and Modesty Blaise, to Supersister), Gus (74). Harmonica: Wil Nimisz (64-66) Gus Pleines (66-67, 68-72 and 74) Jan Wijte (67-68).
Flute: Jan Wijte (66-72, to Cockney Pride) Charles van der Steeg (72-74, ex-John the Revelator) Rob Kruisman (72-74). Diversen: Fred Maas (perc, 60-62) Bill Tromp (perc, 60-62) Rob van Donselaar (steel, 69-70) Charles van der Steeg (s, 72-74, to Cuby & The Blizzards) Rob Kruisman (s, 72-74).
1965 You can't judge a book by looking at the cover/I'm a man Muziek Expres Opart 1002 1966 Walking the boogie/Groovin' 1008 Splendid sight/60 $ boss Yep 1012 1967 Pileworks/See me waiting girl Injection TAR 61003 Please do listen/No blame 61009 1969 Smokestack lightning/Blues on the ceiling Decca AT 10379 Riding on the L & N/Down south blues 10402 LP Blues on the ceiling XBY 846514 1970 Travelling in the USA/Hound is on the run AT 10416 He didn't wanna go home/The dying of Mr.Fernandez 10425 Liontamer/Too much 6100006 LP Travelling in the USA 6419001 1971 I'm on my own again/Demons 6100033 The bride/Hold it Susie/Juvenile junkie 6100057 1972 You got love/Hello goodbye 6100068 We're gonna make it/Well then it's alright 6100082 LP Ridin' with the Bintangs 6454420 1973 Hey dupes/Blue funk Warner Bros WB 16263 LP Down south blues Decca PD 12032 1974 Wait/I been hoodood Negram NG 410 1975 Open and busted/Insight inside out RCA YHPBO 0901 LP Genuine bull AYDL 10982 1977 Diane/Big black tank (limited edition) LP Travelling in the USA (re) Decca 6440677 LP Bintangs PHILIPS 6410 955 1979 LP NIGHTFIGHTERS ARIOLA 200525 1980 LP MICKEY FINN ARIOLA 202119 1981 LP STILL GOING STRONG ARIOLA 204348 [08-11-1969]^12*9 RIDIN' ON THE L & N Bintangs [31-01-1970]^9*9 TRAVELLING IN THE USA Bintangs [27-06-1970]^35*2 HE DIDN'T WANNA GO HOME Bintangs [15-05-1971]^32*4 I'M ON MY OWN AGAIN Bintangs Compact Discs: Live-File 2-CD Universe CDSP - 8808 1986 (1985) Travellin' In The USA/Ridin' With The Bintangs Decca 836356-21988 - 1988 (1972-77 comp.) Ruby Red Hot Bananas/Pias - 9970572 1995 (1995) Dynamite Night Bananas/Sony - 483937-2 1996 (1996)